Answer: It was publishes in 1623 7 years after his death. All I know is that only half of his play have been printed in small ones-play edition. 18 of them are known today because of The First Folio. Sorry I can't help with much. But my brother said you can look on Folger Shakespeare Library. Hope it helps. Good luck
A. because the whole reason people wanted Caeser dead was because he was greedy. And poor Brutus was convinced it was for a good cause and not for other's political gain.
1. We fed the kittens that we found in the shed.
3. This is the house that I grew up in.
Restrictive clauses are those that need the meaning of the antecedent (noun or pronoun that precede them) to contribute to the meaning of the phrase. These clauses can not be separated by commas, this makes it easier to identify them.