to get the client to imagine
You can have a basic button class that gets inherited by other classes.
class Button {
function pushButton(){}
class ElevatorButton extends Button{};
class BigRedButton extends Button{};
With these new classes, they inherit from the basic button class. They can decide what happens when the method pushButton() is called.
You don't need to worry about what pushButton() actually does, you can just call it if the object is of the type "Button" and you can expect it to work.
<span>TRUNK. In a dendritic system, there are many smaller rivers or streams (the "twigs" of the tree), which are then merged into the tributaries of the main river (the branches and the trunk of the tree, respectively). They tend to develop in V-shaped valleys</span>
The correct answer to the following question will be Error-detection.
Error-detection: The detection of errors caused during the transmission from the transmitter to the receiver by damage and other noises, known as Error-detection. This error-detection has the ability to resolute if something went wrong and if any error occurs in the program.
There are mainly three types of error-detection, these types can be followed:
- Automatic Repeat Request (ARQ)
- Forward Error Correction
- Hybrid Schemes
There are two methods for error-detection, such as:
- Single parity check
- Two-dimensional parity check