a distinct section of a piece of writing, usually dealing with a single theme and indicated by a new line, indentation, or numbering.
By the process of diffusion, the glucose molecules outside the cell will begin to move through the membrane to inside of the cell because in diffusion, molecules move from high concentration to low concentration.
Glucose molecules will diffuse out of the cell.
Complete question: While taking a walk in a park, Muskaan observed an insect on a pitcher plant (Nepenthes). Immediately the flower opened up and the insect slid down. To which of the following categories does the pitcher plant belongs?
a) Saprophytes
b) Insectivorous
c) Parasite
d) Symbiotic
The correct answer is option b. Insectivorous
A carnivorous or insectivorous plant is the one that obtains most of its nutritional necessities from the capture and consumption of protozoans or animals, especially insects and arthropods.
These insectivorous plants grow in poorly nutritional soil, so they need to get nutrients from their prey. These species attract and trap their prey, and by the action of specific enzymes and digestive bacterias, they can absorb the insects' nutrients.
These insectivorous plants make use of their flowers to trap the prey. These tramp flowers are cup-shaped, and at the bottom of this cup, there is a liquid where insects get trapped and die.
Insects are attracted by aromas produced by the edges of the trap and when they land, they slip and fall inside, and once drowned, the enzymes digest them.
Answer: C
MRNA, the A-T is replaced with A-U but T-A stays the same