This is false. Very very false. Why would you have nothing personal in a social letter that makes no sense whatsoever?
Most people are going to go through many hard and difficult situations in their lifetime. These difficult situations are a big part in the making of a person 's character and who they turn out to be. For example, If a dad was presented with the situation of losing their job, and had no income to support his family, the way he reacts to this difficult time can either make or break himself and his family. This dad could either get unhappy that he lost his job and just give up because he feels like a disappointment, or he could jump back up on his feet and hunt for a job to take care and support his family. This example helps describe how someone can react negatively or positively due to what circumstances are given to them. Just a few months ago,...
In school it sometimes gets boring to listen to the teacher all the time, and work with the same person over an over againe. Group work is the best solution for this.
Period where the comma is then Your