He’s curious, greedy, stubborn, busy, and hardworking
“Has he brought any papers home?” asked Donna.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected into public office right after the period that the country experienced a huge decline in the stock market. He decided to make a speech to assure the people that he is working towards reviving the economy. He says "our greatest primary task is to put the people to work" and to achieve this there has to be massive recruitment of workers that must commence immediately. He also states that there will be "a strict supervision of all banking and credit facilities" this is to prevent a future crash of the stock market.
You won't know what the outcome will be and you never will unless you try.
It is possible that Frankenstein would have died or lost his mind
Frankenstein falls ill quite a few times in the book and effectively succumbs to his illness in the end too. in a way he is not as much of a hero because of the amount of whimpering that comes up every time his character faces adversity.
<u>Right after the creation his 'monster' Frankenstein falls ill at the sight of his own creation and reels in the shock for quite a long time,</u> all the while being looked after by his friend who helps him back to health again. <u>His ailment came more from mental shock than anything else. </u>