It happened because the consuls only cared about their own personal wealth and not for the people. The senate got richer and richer while the people got poorer and poorer. It ended with the rise of the Empire and the rule of an Emperor. The disadvantage was that all of the power was in the hand of a single person and often the Roman emperors were tyrannical.
Order 9066 was a World War 2 policy that had long term consequences for the Japanese Americans. The order allowed the Army to "evacuate" anyone that they thought was a threat to National Security.
It affected the Japanese Americans severely. The order forced more than 120,000 Japanese to relocate. They were relocated to 1 of the 10 internment camps around the U.S. (Internment = putting someone into some sort of prison..) They put the Japanese into these camps in fear that they were loyal to Japan.
A form of capitalism at its early form and the colonial powers didnt tax their colonies as much so the colonies could seem attractive the the populated europe and so business could grow
Answer: Pessimistic novelists
Iiiiiiii puuutttttt alllll tthhheeee words on the doc bc it said I couldn’t post for some reason so hope this helps lol