Most of early history, these was no seperation of church and state, so they were one and the same.
This applies to both the English civil war ( if you can call any war civil) and the Dutch revolt. Both were to end Catholic domination of the Protasant subjects.
All wars are both religious and political. But end up anti-religious as they violate the very tenets of any religion they expound so it is only being about power.
Protasants revolted against the Catholics for freedom but then in-fighting over which Protasant religion is good.
The politics of any war are power and greed. Someone wants what someone else has and demands the right to take it and deny others taking it from them.
Many claim they are trying to protect the ' true' religion or claim for religious freedom and then show they are no better then the heritics they decry and deny others the same freedoms they want,
When all is said and done - all is just for power.
War has never settled any differences. It just pospones the reversal of power as will always happen. The French Revolution almost did by beheading the royals but as many escaped and Napolian brought new ones in. Nothing much changed.
The American revolution - which was the 1st non-religious war started the change for wars to not just be about religion.
People with type O- blood are called universal donors because their donated red blood cells have no A, B or Rh antigens and can therefore be safely given to people of any blood group. ... Their plasma does not contain A or B antibodies and can be transfused safely to all blood types.
Eventually representation from each town were allowed to be part of the general court.
I think it means you either embrace greatness or resent it, but it could also mean Emotions like love, fear or even rage can fuel a person or destroy it.
geography literallh means to study about the earth
1st is wrong since geography talks about earth not about mountains and oceans
2nd is correct i guess
3rd is wrong. since the study of map is cartography
4th is also wrong The word Geography is derived from the Greek word geo (the Earth, in its broadest meaning) and graphos (graphy, to write about). Literally, to write about the Earth. Often this has meant just learning about countries, their crops, landforms and people -- the "states and capitals" approach if you will.