Nervous System
I'd argue the nervous system because you sense pain through your nerves and when you realize something is poking you bam your nerves recognize it and tell your brain "UH OH CHEIF THERE'S A TACK" and you pull it out.
A rise in the value of our country's currency would mean that unemployment would most likely stay the same, as this would really only affect outsiders.
You can choose the life of any celebrity and in their 24 hour span yo can have an insight in their life.
Say you were Quentin Tarantino for a day in the middle of the shooting of his recent film.
You would be waking up to check on the production schedules with your assistant as you contact the editor to send you the dallies and then you will be looking at, or preparing the shooting script for the day.
Then, you reach the location and brief the actors on their job and meet your essential crew and oversee their actions and then you have the whole day for the shoot after which you go back and see the progress.
They used their way with words to become successful in journalism and other political and religious ways. They contributed to our culture and taught us many different was to grow potato crops and ways to make different foods. We became very culturally diverse.
deflación es la bajada generalizada de los precios de los bienes y servicios de un país que se mantiene a lo largo de un período de tiempo. La bajada de precios tiene que ser generalizada, es decir, debe afectar la gran mayoría de los productos y servicios que integran el mercado.