You should be able to talk during moderate exercise, but won't be able to sing, because it would disrupt breathing.
I advice you abstain from all illegal acts
A man with muscle "dysmorphobia" is most likely to feel that he is scrawny, despite the fact that he is not.
A man with muscle "dysmorphobia" is most likely to f<u>eel that he is scrawny, despite the fact that he is not.</u> Dysmorphobia is a condition that makes a person feel there’s some kind of ugliness or defect in some part of their face or body when there actually isn’t. A person that suffers from this condition may get obsessed with it and that can affect their social life, their performance at school or work. Dysmorphobia differs from anorexia and bulimia in the sense that it is related to a specific part of the body or face, whereas anorexia and bulimia are both related to weight and the size and shape of the body. In this case, the man suffering from dysmorphobia believes his muscles are unattractively thin. His problem is specifically related to the shape and condition of his muscles, although there's nothing really wrong with them.
Well the reason we do it is because they wanna see if you can run normally for explain: if your a over weight kid and you can’t run a mile they get so worried that they might send you to the hospital right away. They also do this so if your a lazy kid and never get out of bed and you say your body hurts then will know you just lie In bed and do anything
Migration is affected by various factors like age, sex, marital status, education, occupation, employment etc. People migrate to those places where they have better facilities of health services, educational services, transportation and communication and the life is easier.