60,000 buffalo
This question is incomplete, I attached the options.
Buffalo numbers in the study area were estimated using total aerial photographic counts, the estimation was made it in Mara Serengeti ecosystem (25 000 km2), buffalos have other problems apart of bubonic plague, like climate change, competition, disease, food limitation, land-use change, predation.
Assume the population growth of Serengeti buffalo graph, before the rinderpest there was a capacity of 50,000 buffalos, but there was a bubonic plague epidemic, then two years and half, only there were a capacity less than 30,000.
After the virus was eliminated the graph show growth, in 6 years there were more than 60,000 buffalos, in more eleven-year, there were exactly 60,000 buffalos.
I'm dead
Bruh you literally go to my school. I'm dying over this.
Mitosis is the phase of the cell cycle where the nucleus of a cell is divided into two nuclei with an equal amount of genetic material in both the daughter nuclei. It succeeds the G2 phase and is succeeded by cytoplasmic division after the separation of the nucleus.
Intelligence is basically the ability to learn. It is described as being able to gain knowledge and skills and applying it. So it is not just about knowing things and being able to do things, it also has something to do with being able to "use" knowledge and skills.
With that, the individual is able to understand or like it is mentioned in your question, <u>grasp</u> complex ideas and at the same time, they can use those complex ideas to solve complex problems.
I think it is D
Plants are all of the above (I,II,III) but fungi are heterotrophic, but other than that they have a cell wall in their eukaryotic cells and are multicellular, so it is most likely D.