The Western Front was the main theatre of war during the First World War. Following the outbreak of war in August 1914, the German Army opened the Western Front by invading Luxembourg and Belgium, then gaining military control of important industrial regions in France. The tide of the advance was dramatically turned with the Battle of the Marne. Following the Race to the Sea, both sides dug in along a meandering line of fortified trenches, stretching from the North Sea to the Swiss frontier with France, which changed little except during early 1917 and in 1918.
Mark II with Canadian infantry at Vimy Ridge
4 August 1914 – 11 November 1918
(4 years, 3 months and 1 week)
Belgium, north-eastern France, Alsace-Lorraine, Luxembourg, western Germany
Allied victory
End of World War I
A. He was the guy that helped with three major compromises and is known as the great compromiser.
'Dog eat dog' is an innane phrase generally used by inarticulate people. The certain individual who coined the phrase was most likely unaware of or simply ignorant of the unwavering fraternity held between members of the species canis familiars.
It's a dog-eat-dog world and variants, in fact, echo an earlier proverb that comes all the way from Latin.
The firat king to reign over israel after Exodus is Jeroboam
When the king needed to wage war by sea, he relied on the temporary.... the sea, commands the trade; whosever commands the trade of the world.