It took BP 87 days to stop the flow of oil they monitor it for 48 hours to make sure it was going to hold
Helper T cells stimulate B-cells to produce antibodies and killer T cells to destroy the non-self cells. Cytotoxic T cells on the other hand are direct attack cells. They can kill the micro organisms by creating pores on the invader's cell.
T lymphocyte mediated immunity of cell mediated immunity do not secrete antibodies but they help stimulate the B cells to produce them. Immature T cells are produced in bone marrow from where they migrate to thymus via blood. In the thymus maturation of T cells occur and then they migrate to lymphoid tissue and get differentiated into three types:
a. Helper T cells: As the name suggests, they help in activating other immune cells, in other terms they are the regulator of virtually all functions of immune system. Protein mediator called lymphokines are produced by these helper T cells in order to regulate the immune functions. Some examples of these lymphokines are: Interleukin-2 interleukin-3, interferon gamma. T helper cells stimulate the B-cells to produce antibodies.
b. Cytotoxic cells or killer T cells: The lymphokine interleukin-2 is responsible for the growth and proliferation of both cytotoxic T cells and suppressor T cells. With the help of receptor proteins on the surface of killer T cells, they bind to the specific antigen. After binding, they secrete a pore forming protein called perforins which create pores on the invaders cell membrane for water to enter into it thereby cell swells and finally lyse.
c. Suppressor T cells: They suppress the function of above two T cells.
Fixation of oxygen occur instead of carbondioxide.
If the stomata remain closed due to water loss, the concentration of carbondioxide decreases and oxygen increases in the leaf because of the fixation of oxygen instead of carbondioxide by rubisco. The plant takes carbondioxide from the atmosphere when the stomata is open so when the stomata is closed there is no other way for getting carbondioxide into the leave so the oxygen is now being fixed by our rubisco enzyme to that five-carbon compound instead of carbon dioxide.
Producers, because they're the start of the food chain and without them there will be no food chain.
they could be producers or consumers
producers make their own food/energy
consumers get energy from other living things