Writing under the name of 'Diedrich Knickerbocker', Washington Irving aimed his political satire, at as diverse topics as political rivals such as; Thomas Jefferson, to the very ideal of looking back on the past affectionately.
Punctuations are the marks, such as full stops, commas, colons, semi colons, hyphens, brackets, exclamation marks , question marks, Apostrophes etc, that are used to make a sentence more comprehensive and understandable.
Punctuations help bring out the meaning of the sentence clearly and fully to the readers.
Hyphens are used to join adjectives. Colons are used to connect two independent clauses. Full stops are used to show the sentence has come to an end.
Exclamation marks are used to denote the emotions of the person, while uttering the sentence.
So, punctuation marks are very important in writing a sentence without which a sentence does not have a clear meaning.
Its A
You don't need reading for a phone, you dont need it for a magazine( they barely have you reading), and not for comic books ofc so its A
Las principales características de las historias indias americanas. que quieres decir boi.
jajajajaja te tengo punto cositas
It depends on the context, for example if this is meaning he is not already the father but will be in the future then yes it is foreshadowing.