2. what is the best defenition for the word doggedly in the stage directions below? (she crosses through the room, goes to the w
indow, opens it, and brings in a feeble little plant growing doggedly in a small pot on the windowsill.) A. Beneatha wants the money for herself.
B. Beneatha is protective of her mother.
C. Beneatha wants to invest in the liquor store
D. Beneatha has sharp features
3. What do the dialogue and stage directions in the following lines reveal about the central conflict in the play?
Mama: What done got into you, girl? Walter Lee done finally sold you on investing.
Ruth: He needs this chance, Lena.
Mama:(Frowning deeply) But liquor, honey-
A. The family members disagree about how to spend the $10,000.
B. Mama doesn't think Walter should give Travis money
C. The family members agree that investing in the liquor store is too expensive
D. Ruth doesn't want Mma to give Walter any of the $10,000
3. A). The family members disagree about how to spend the $10,000.
The stage directions stated in the second question exemplifies the persistent efforts of Beneatha for her mother as she looks after her and brings in a small pot with a plant for her. This shows her love, care and protective nature of her for her mother.
The dialogue and stage directions in the third question describes the discussion among the members of the family to spend the $10000 as Ruth says "he needs this chance" while Mama says "but liquor". Thus, it clearly illustrates the confusion and disagreement about the expenditure of $10000 dollars between the members of the family.