Well, Since God(Jesus) only has the power to know the future, and because it is impossible for man to do this alone, you would have to depend on God for prophetic things, such as dreams and stuff like that. But there is such a false thing called a "false prophet." False prophets are not actually real prophets, but instead fakers, who spread lies about "Upcoming events". So in order to become a prophet, you must have a connection with God, which will allow for the communication between the two of you. (Like a relationship). Now the Bible makes it clear how you can get to God. ((keep in mind that there is noting you can do to earn anything from God, religion will not help you and you are not perfect)) It says it here, in John 14:6 " <span>Jesus said to him, </span><span>“I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" </span>
so really, the word religion is a biblical word, which means the Bible(and God) has the right to define it! Religion is trying to earn/work your way towards God. Which is extremely difficult, and for this task you would need something to keep you on track. but lets be honest, your not perfect. So God did everything for you, and he offers everything freely only because he loves us, and your greatest purpose in found in him. whatever its a prophet, r whatever is good, remember all of this comes from God!
Well everybody's different but in my case, some challenges or hesitations I have is that I feel or believe that I can't do it sometimes, but, self confidence gets me out of those thoughts and I achieve but sometimes I nearly give up. That's why self confidence is so important, also, distractions like games and even some times friends can challenge you from achieving your goals
Cross section<span> is a cut at an angle perpendicular to its axis so its interior </span>structure can be viewed<span>. </span>A structural section describes a house's foundation assembly. This structural section refers to the section of the assembly that is horizontal and it shows the basic shell of the house.
Well for starters the America’s has the more advantage because the Columbian trade brought slaves from the west of Africa new crops animals and spices to the Americas while most of the Afro Eurasian suffer from sickness and thrown over board.