When you have the broad match modifiers, your ads will be better positioned to appear when searches contain the key words one has marked with a plus sign or close variations of the words. The matching of key words are usually being utilized by companies that set out to sell an array of products to a large customer group. These companies can avoid the use phrases or matching words when the key words in their ads are better structured with the broad modifiers.
off the coast of New England colonial region which includes New Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay, Rhode Island, and Connecticut
The U.S. government made reservations the centerpiece of Indian policy around 1850, and thereafter reserves became a major bone of contention between natives and non-natives in the Pacific Northwest. However, they did not define the lives of all Indians. Many natives lived off of reservations, for example. One estimate for 1900 is that more than half of all Puget Sound Indians lived away from reservations. Many of these natives were part of families that included non-Indians and children of mixed parentage, and most worked as laborers in the non-Indian economy. They were joined by Indians who migrated seasonally away from reservations, and also from as far away as British Columbia. As Alexandra Harmon's article "Lines in Sand" makes clear, the boundaries between "Indian" and "non-Indian," and between different native groups, were fluid and difficult to fix. Reservations could not bound all Northwest Indians any more than others kinds of borders and lines could.