B. The feeling in "The Black Snake" is playful, while the feeling in "A Narrow Fellow in the Grass" is serious and fearful.
A girl heard her mom yell her name from downstairs, so she got up and started to head down. As she got to the stairs, her mom pulled her into the room and said “ I heard that, too”. As the moment she saw her mum’s face she realised she was wearing a donut mask, she tried pulling it but it was all slimy and stuck like super glue. She started to breathe heavily as she started to suffocate, and there she saw the bloody, drenched mon..
I hope this helps. LOl
the purpose for your one love is have a happily life and what ever happens love will still both of you.
It reminds the speaker of who the speaker is and their identity, not only that but it reinforces the speakers feeling of separation