Ribbon Snakes, American Water Snakes and European Grass Snakes
These are a few snakes thaat don't eat rodents, but eat fish.
(c) their inclusiveness.
The taxonomic classification has eight levels, they go from the more inclusive to the more exclusive.
The eight categories are: <u>Domain</u> which is the most inclusive level, that is to say, that the largest number of individuals are included in this level. There are three domains according to the cells types, and where they live. They are the Eukarya, Bacteria and Archaea. Domains are divided into <u>kingdoms</u>, they are the Plantae, protista, Eubacteria, Archaebacteria, Animalia and Fungi. After kingdoms the <u>Phylum</u> category comes, following Phylum is <u>Class</u>, various classes that are related will form a Phylum. The next category is <u>Order</u>, order is divided into <u>Family,</u> families are broken into <u>Genus</u>, where species are closely related between each other and finally the last category is <u>Especies identifier,</u> in this group there are unique characteristics that will identify a specie. With this classification we can see that we go from global groups to more specifics ones as the classification avances.
Beadle and Tatum experiment shows one gene one enzyme hypothesis. According to this, a single enzyme is encoded by each gene. This idea is not accepted in today's world.
Beadle and Tatum performed experiment on the neurospora. They chosed neurospora in their experiment because neurospora shows the fast life cycle with alternation of generation. The genetic experiments can be easily performed on neurospora.
Thus, the correct answer is option (c).
B Nitrates
No explanation here sorry •~•