1. The most important requests include;
a. The repeal of the statutes and regulations imposed by the King on the colonists.
b. The request for peace between the King and the Subjects so as to avoid the outbreak of war.
2. The British American Colonists are seeking peaceful independence from the King's rule.
3. They speak respectfully of the King and the Parliament asserting their loyalty to his rule.
4. They seem to blame the King. This is because of his imposition of exorbitant taxes and levies ensuing from the Stamp Act on the people.
5. I would have considered their request for peace by inviting them to a meeting where their grievances would be discussed.
The Olive Branch Petition written by John Dickinson was drafted at a time when the colonists were seeking independence from the King. This was as a result of the sufferings they were made to undergo, stemming from the high taxes imposed on them to compensate the dwindling resources spent by the King in the war with France. They clearly wanted independence but without the consequence of war. They also were asserting loyalty to the King. This seemed like two requests that could be hardly granted at the same time.
King George III did not read the letters not to talk of granting the request for he already declared war on the colonists prior to the time when they tendered the letters.
Governor George Wallace
Governor George Wallace was a southern democrat who was pro-segregation. He was the governor of Alabama in 1962, 70, 74, and 82. While he was governor, the anti-segregation marches in Selma began to go on. The president told him that he needed to protect the protesters, and he refused and stated that the state could not afford it. He was an important figure in the pro-segregation movement and was an important person who showed resistance.
Governor Lester Maddox
Lester Maddox was a white restaurant owner who lived in Georgia. He violated the newly formed civil rights act by refusing to serve three black customers in his restaurant, therefore he was also very big in the pro-segregation argument.
Answer: the structure and role of the judicial branch.
Article III of the Constitution establishes the role of the judicial branch of the federal government and how it is structured. This article grants the judicial power of the government to the Supreme Court and allows inferior courts that Congress may create from time to time. Article III explains the powers and what is considered as treason.
Republic Act 1425 also known as Rizal law is the legal basis for the teaching of the life, works, and writings of Rizal in all schools in the country.
southern colonies
they were closer to the equator so their temps were warmer and better for farming