<span>A map that is drawn to scale/has a scale means that you can measure a distance on the map and it will be the same on the ground according to the scale.
Said another way, if I know where I am, (or a given starting point), that is on the map, I can find a second point that I want to get to, measure the distance on the map and it will be the same distance on the ground.
Note that the units of measurement have to be the same. If the map scale is 1:50,000, then one foot on the map is 50,000 feet on the ground. If it's one shoe on the map (I just put the map on the floor, took off my shoe and put it on the map, made a mark on the map at the heel and another at the toe), then on the ground, the distance will be 50,000 shoe lengths.</span><span>Source(s):</span>
I believe you are talking about, Capoeira.
Capoeira is martial art infused dance, which is thought to have originated in the 16th century in Brazil<span>. Although today capoeira has become somewhat omnipresent with the booming popularity of street acrobatics such as </span>parkour<span>, its history remains mysterious. Discover the story of this 500 year old martial art, and explore the best places to experience capoeira in Brazil.</span>
Las principales ventajas que posee Europa en términos de comunicación con respecto al resto de los continentes y regiones del planeta es la corta distancia entre las distintas naciones del continente.
Esto es así porque la mayor parte de las naciones europeas tienen un tamaño reducido, con lo cual la infraestructura en términos de comunicación y transporte se encuentra altamente desarrollada en el escaso territorio que poseen.
Así, todas las naciones pueden enlazar sus distintas infraestructuras, para garantizar altas tasas de eficiencia comunicativa en el continente.
I believe the correct answer is D