Photosynthesis and chemosynthesis Let me know if you want me to explain more in depth.
Genetic Engineering is the main technology used by humans to influence traits in plants and animals. Humans have used technology to manipulate genes through genetic modification, genetic therapy, selective breeding, and animal husbandry. Genetically Modified Organisms(GMOs) are the result of humans utilizing technology for gene manipulation.
Cell wall and chloraplast!
hope this helps
The correct answers are:
• How soluble the hormone is in water. Depending on is it hydrophilic or hydrophobic. For example steroid hormones (derived from lipids) are hydrophobic, meaning that are insoluble in water so they must have transport protein for the blood transport.
• whether the hormone will be able to move through the cell membrane. Hormones derived from lipids are able to pass through the membrane because are able to diffuse through the lipid bilayer. Hydrophilic hormones (from amino acids) are unable to diffuse through the lipid bilayer
• whether the hormone interacts with receptors on the cell membrane.
• whether the hormone interacts with receptors inside the cell
Hormones that diffuse freely through the membrane have internal receptors. Others have cell membrane receptors.