The Similarities, <span>Both Buddhism and Hinduism share a strong belief in reincarnation; an endless cycle of births and deaths that must be broken.Attachment to people, places, things, or even ideas can lead to suffering; therefore, it’s best to practice non-attachment in the sense that you’re more anchored in your center than in outer circumstances.Meditation is highly regarded in both religions, because they believe real truth and spirituality is inward, not outward.Both believe that everything on the planet will eventually achieve enlightenment and liberation.</span>The
Differences, <span>Buddhism has no “rituals” in the traditional sense. They don’t do elaborate prostrations or pujas (prayer rituals). There are not even priests, really; though they do have senior monastics.Hinduism has an entrenched caste system (though it can be argued it was never meant to be that way), where as Buddhism does not. Buddhists believe that anyone can achieve enlightenment, where Hindus believe you must be of the Brahmin caste.In many sects of Hinduism, it’s believed extreme asceticism is the ideal spiritual life. In Buddhism, the middle path is best. Neither extreme poverty nor extreme wealth are considered to be ideal.Traditional Buddhism has no gods, where as Hinduism has literally endless variations and incarnations of gods and goddesses. Although many Hindus believe Buddha is an incarnation of Vishnu, Buddhists do not usually share that view.<span>Buddha taught that the original Vedas (ancient religious texts) were originally sacred until animal sacrifice was introduced.</span></span>
fasting during the month of Ramadan
The effects of WW1 on America were wide-ranging covering the political, economic and social impact the Great War had on the United States. Unlike the countries of Europe, the factories and home of the US had not been destroyed. Manufacturing, production and efficiency had increased through necessity during the Great War. America had emerged as a world industrial leader and the US economy was booming, profits were increasing which led to the period in American history called the Roaring Twenties with a massive rise in consumerism for the wealthy, On the negative side, inflation was high and companies and corporations started the reduce wages and lay off workers to keep down operating costs. The power of the Unions had grown during the war, workers protested and 1919 saw a massive wave of strikes. Competition for employment led to racial unrest and race riots breeding hatred and suspicion which spilled over into the Red Scare and the fear of communism. The introduction of Prohibition led to the rise of organized crime, speakeasies, gangsters, increased violence and massive political corruption.
First, technology is typically the most important contributor to U.S. economic growth.