In physical appearance can be changed by different DNA but for mental not very sure.But mental state can be altered when the DNA has anomaly or mutation. Mostly, people whom has high education always study hard for example students even they have physical problem but they still have good mental
The species has a higher chance of survival as there are 3 plant types, even if 2 of those die out, there's a portion of the purple gorillas that can still eat the remaining plant type
Lithosphere (or geosphere) describes all the rocks, minerals and molten magma found on or in the Earth
The hydrosphere describes all the water on Earth – including liquid water (oceans, etc.) and vapour (precipitation)
The atmosphere describes the layer of gases surrounding the Earth and is divided into sections (stratosphere, etc.)
The biosphere is composed of all the living organisms on the planet (including plants, animals, bacteria, etc.)
The four spheres are interconnected, so human impact on one sphere will potentially effect other spheres
The release of plastic pollution into the oceans (hydrosphere) will impact on marine life (biosphere)
The production and release of CFCs into the atmosphere will effect the impact of UV radiation on the biosphere
The Four Earth Spheres
I would think that an unweathered rock would be jagged while a weathered rock would be smooth because of water/wind or what ever weathered it.