z = a.c' + a.b.d' + b.c'.d'
The truth table for this question is provided in the attachment to this question.
N.B - a' = not a!
The rows with output of 1 come from the following relations: 01 > 00, 10 > 00, 10 > 01, 11 > 00, 11 > 01, 11 > 10
This means that the Boolean expression is a sum of all the rows with output of 1.
z = a'bc'd' + ab'c'd' + ab'c'd + abc'd' + abc'd + abcd'
On simplification,
z = bc'd' + ab'c' + ac'd' + ac'd + abc' + abd'
z = ac' + abd' + bc'd'
Hope this helps!
Answer : C project planning
The nature of computers and code, what they can and cannot do.
How computer hardware works: chips, cpu, memory, disk.
Necessary jargon: bits, bytes, megabytes, gigabytes.
How software works: what is a program, what is "running"
How digital images work.
Computer code: loops and logic.
Big ideas: abstraction, logic, bugs.
oid changeCase (char char_array[], int array_size ) {
mov eax, char_array;
mov edi, 0;
cmp edi, array_size;
jge exit;
mov ebx, edi;
shl ebx, 2;
mov cl, [eax + ebx];
//working on it
cmp cl, 0x41;
jl next_indx;
cmp cl, 0x7A;
jg next_indx;
cmp cl, 'a';
jl convert_down;
jge convert_up;
or cl, 0x20; //make it lowercase
jmp write;
and cl, 0x20;
jmp write;
mov byte ptr [eax + ebx], cl
inc edi;
cmp edi, array_size;
jl readArray;
mov char_array, eax;
- Move char_array to eax as it is base image
- Use ebx as offset
- Use ecx as the storage register
- check if cl is <= than ASCII value 65 (A)