Mayan stoneworkers would decorate their building as a show of rank. It would show the other Mayans that they were important and demand respect.
Marat was a French journalist who suffered from a deteriorating skin disease that obliged him to spend most of his time inside a bathtub. However, this did not stop him from being one of the most respected voices among the radical groups of the revolution.
He made such claims because he was, along with Robespierre, the most noteworthy radical figure of the Revolution. Marat actively called for the murder of the King and the royal family, and the murder of all of the nobles and political prisoners who supported the king and the Ancient Regime.
In the end, he was successful because the royal family was beheaded, as well as many political prisoners. However, he was himself killed by a loyalist peasant, who stabbed him to death while he was on his bathtub.
El Humanismo renacentista es un movimiento intelectual, filosófico y cultural europeo estrechamente ligado al Renacimiento cuyo origen se sitúa en la Italia del siglo XV (especialmente en Florencia, Roma y Venecia), con precursores anteriores, como Dante Alighieri, Francesco Petrarca y Giovanni Boccaccio.
In the Declaration of Independence, the American colonists complained about the British government putting taxes on them without their voice being heard. Hence the phrase "no taxation without representation." This referred to the fact that the colonists had no one to represent them in the British parliament.
In today's US government, citizens have the chance to influence the laws created in the country. Citizens do this by voting for members of Congress. Congress is made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives. These elected officials help to create nation laws/taxes. These officials are also supposed to represent the people who they serve. So, if Americans are not happy with any new tax laws/reforms, they can write, call, or meet their representative in order to express their concerns. The elected Congress person will take this into consideration when voting.
The Electoral College elects the President