The Tenth Amendment helps to define the concept of federalism
The relationship between Federal and state governments is outlined by the 10th amendment. As Federal activity increases, the problem of reconciling state and national interests grow as they apply to: the Federal powers to tax, to police, and to regulations such as wage and hour laws, disclosure of personal information in recordkeeping systems, etc.
The Bill of Rights protects citizens accused of crimes by the fifth amendment because the fifth amendment allows them to not answer a question if it would further self-incriminate them. This prevents a criminal from being forced to say something that could be used against them. A second way the Bill of Rights protects citizens accused of crimes is by the sixth amendment, which gives every citizen the right to a fair trial and jury.
1. It establishes protection from cruel and unusual punishment.
2. It establishes protection against self-incrimination.
South american civilization:
- The invention of various type of plants that could be used for medicinal purposes.
- The invention of various tools that could be used for artworks
Meso American civilization:
- The invention of early agricultural land structuring for irrigation system
- The invention of earliest calendar to distinguish time/period
North American civilization:
- Popularized the use of tobacco (now it become the most used drug in the world)
- Invent several techniques to raise animals.
The true vision of Karl Marx about communism is something that objectively would never work in practice. The problem is that the human nature and the Marx's vision of communism are not going very well together. According to Marx, all people should be in the same hierarchical level, thus horizontal hierarchy. Everyone should be paid equally, no matter the type of job, and everyone should get the same services. There's no private ownership and the economy is totally controlled by the government in a manner to be self-sustaining. Big problem in these things is that the humans stride toward progress and success, so by putting everyone in the same basket the creative minds and the successful people are destroyed, while the lazy ones, and the ones that do not have great potential get the benefits without deserving them. The economy can simply not function in a manner to be self-sustaining, and it will always be on the verge of collapse, and there will always be huge problems with lack of food and products.