This includes the Sahel or Sahelian zone and has up to 750mm of rain in a single short rainy season and 90 Days of Growing Period (DGP) with an extended dry season of up to 10 months. The dry season sometimes extends into years causing severe droughts. So therefore the answer SHOULD be the Sahel
Globalization has made migration much easier through better communications, dissemination of information through mass media and improved transport, among others. It is the increasing trade and investment flows in many regions, which facilitated interest and awareness in migration.
1. If you're walking somewhere, walk on the RIGHT side, NOT the left (If you're American :) If you're not American and it's normal for you to drive on the left side, then please also walk on the left side)
2. Don't chuck your trash at the tree. If you have trash, put it in a trashcan. If you see trash, put it in a trashcan.
3. If you're going to use profanity, do it quietly, please. It makes the rest of us uncomfortable.
4. When wearing earbuds or headphones, make sure that other peeps can't hear it.
5. SUPER SIMPLE but SOME brains can't get this: just be overall respectful to others. You don't know them or their situation, so leave them be.
6. Last one and it's small. Hold open doors for people right behind you. Don't pull a sneaky ninja right before the door closes and make the other person open the door.
What they said lololololol