You can multiply both sides by a number that will get rid of the denominators. For ex. you can multiply the first equation by 12 because 4 and 3 both go into 12 evenly. MAKE SURE YOU MULTIPLY THE OTHER SIDE BY 12 AS WELL! Therefore, 12(x/4) - 12(y/3) = 12(1), or 3x - 4y = 12
27x +42+ 3x²
Step-by-step explanation:
so im learning this rn in class and what you do is FOIL
So its stands for
(3x+6)(x+7) -- 3x² (if you have x times x it is x to the second power)
(3x+6)(x+7) -- 21x
(3x+6)(x+7) -- 6x
(3x+6)(x+7) -- 42
Now add 21x and 6x
27x +42+ 3x²
you must have added the 21 and 6 incorrectly.
We are asked in the problem to devise a polynomial equation that has a GCF of 6 which means each of the terms can be divided to 6. For example: 6*(x^2 + x+1) = 6x^2 + 6x +6. This polynomial is created by multiplying each terms by the number 6 which is distinguished by factoring.