The Enabling Act gave Hitler plenary powers and followed on the heels of the Reichstag Fire Decree, which had abolished most civil liberties and transferred state powers to the Reich government. The combined effect of the two laws was to transform Hitler's government into a legal dictatorship.
special surveillance and security forces were created to control and order society in ways that the Nazis wanted apart from the already existing regular police in green uniform and the SA or the Storm Trooper these included the gestapo secret state police the SS the protection squads criminal police and the source security service SD it was the extra constitutional power of these newly organized forces that give the Nazi state it reputation as the most dreaded criminal state
The First Crusade is initiated when Byzantine Emperor Alexius Comnenus requests help in reconquering from the Seljuk Turks the lost territory of Asia Minor . Pope Urban II at the Council of Clermont calls upon the princes of Christendom for an armed “pilgrimage” to recover Jerusalem from the Muslims.
The African states' government betrayed their people. In order to thrive knowing that they could lose land if the British strike them, they gave their people away in return for guns and weaponry. Some states fought back and most lost. Others complied with the British orders and gave them slaves.
pushed the colonists to buy only British goods, instead of goods from other European countries
The distance from Britain and the size of the British Empire was an advantage for the colonies.