Answer: They Damage Property.
Explanation: cause i is smart.
1600 pennsylvania avenue nw washington dc 20500
Philippines, Carolines, and Alaska
Un conflicto laboral es una disputa que se desarrolla dentro de una empresa u organización. Puede tratarse de una desavenencia entre empleados o entre los trabajadores y la gerencia. ... Otro punto importante es que el líder del área, o de la empresa (que sería el gerente), debe ser el encargado de resolver el conflicto.
The answer is Abraham, the father of Isaac and Jacob
he did not start Christianity. In fact, Christianity is NOT a religion, it more of a commitment to someone who knows WAYYYY the heck more than anyone does
that's right, i'm a Christian :)
God spoke to him when he was 75 to go to Canaan ( and there was NO maps back then)
it's in Genesis 12:1 (If you want to, go and read it for yourself)
it's from the Bible