Hi! If you are looking for the word whose meaning is defined by this sentence, I would say that the word you need is <em>exploitation</em>.
Let's remember that exploitation is the act of <u>making use of and benefiting from other's resources, it is the action or fact of treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work or abilities.</u> In this case, <em>it is exploitation because this nation or person is vulnerable</em> in some way and allow others to take advantage of their work, abilities, or any other characteristic that can be beneficial. They allow this exploitation probably because they don't have the tools to change their reality or because they don't know how or are under threat, maybe they are uneducated and don't even realize they are being used. <u>To do that to a person or to a nation is called exploitation.</u>
One of the effects of King Philip's war was that a lot of new land was opened to the colonists: in Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island
another was a a death of 3000 Indians and enslavement of many others, who were brought to Bermuda, where some people today claim ancestry from them.
Additionally, the war has brought more attention towards the colonies as compared with before the war.
Roman people basically copied greek gods. According to Greek mythology, the greek gods lived on mount olympus. For example, greek god ares in roman was called mars
I think the answer is 24 minutes