The right answer is indeed A. inner core.
The Earth's structure can be divided into four parts: crust, mantle, outer core, and inner core. The crust is the outermost layer, having an average depth of 30km when it comes to continental crusts, and 5km for oceanic crusts. The mantle lies beneath the crust and presents a depth of 2,900km. It is constituted of hot rock, between 900 and 2,200 degrees Celsius. Next we have the outer core, consisting or liquid metal - nickel and iron - due to the extreme temperatures ranging from 2,200 and 5,000 degrees Celsius. Finally, beneath the outer core we have the inner core. Even though the temperature is extremely high - 5,000 degrees Celsius -, the inner core is solid due to the high pressure it is under, which is 3 million times higher than on the crust.
A. She got a new glossy, handbag for Christmas.
B. She dumped her books on the wooden, dining table.
D. The shy, transfer student softly greeted the class.
C.The bright and sunny day had turned into a dark and stormy night. Sarah’s students loved her energetic, no-nonsense attitude.
Happiness is not measured by one's accomplishments in life.
By having Winterbourne first meet Randolph instead of Daisy, Henry James is able to establish some indirect inferences about Daisy. She has a younger brother, who is a bit impetuous, as the reader will find Daisy to be. He is a bit manipulative in that he approaches someone he has never met to ask a favor, "Will you give me a lump of sugar?" and with this he pushes his advantage and takes three cubes. This is also very much like his sister as she uses her feminine wiles to get Winterbourne to promise to take her to see the castle. So, in these things, James is able to introduce, in Randolph, some of the traits that the reader will later find in Daisy.
Ramdolph sybolizes the the patriotic fervor seen in many Americans, which the Europeans cannot seem to understand. In Randolph's eyes everything is better in America, 'I can't get any candy here—any American candy. American candy's the best candy," ""American men are the best." He says that even the moon is better in America, "You can't see anything here at night, except when there's a moon. In America there's always a moon!" This unrealistic view of his home country shows his unreserved love for America, but also tends to point towards the shortcomings of teh European countries and his dislike for them, in that they have nothing to compare to America, in Randolph's mind. This is, often, the way in which people see Americans, both proud and boastful, without a desire to understand other cultures.