Probable cause. An officer has reason to believe that a crime may be comitted. (physical evidence, observations, statements, video/audio.)
Searches. Officers are only allowed to do a pat down (terry search, frisk) as a protective measure. They can do a full search if a suspect is taken into custody.
4th amendment protects against unreasonable search and seizures.
When a suspect is being questioned (for incriminating information) they must be read their Miranda rights before proceeding. Basic questions are allowed. ("How are you doing?").
Abuse of police authority could be requesting to see an ID when there is no probable cause.
C. The site of an ancient battle
Because archeologists dig up old artifacts
The appropriate response is world-system theory. It is a hypothesis of modernization by Immanuel Wallerstein in which the spread of free enterprise is viewed as delivering a universal division of work between more-created and less-created countries. As indicated by this view, the more-created countries control the components or generation and less-created countries fill in as wellsprings of modest work and crude materials.