Perception can simply be defined as the way or means in which people organize and interpret their sensory impressions so as give their environment a meaning.
in closure, when we see an incomplet image, data or information or when given incomplete information, we want to seek completion thereby filling in bits which do not actually exist. In doing that we may have fill it up with the wrong or right information. example is when we see or we were given visual images to view, that is we include the extension of lines to form an unbroken outline of an object. most times we read meaning to what we see and run into conclusions that are not really real. Closure is important because it gives the parties the opportunity to own their part
Most times, when you see an image that has missing parts, your brain will fill in the blanks and make a complete image so you can still recognize the pattern.
B. Law enforcement as there are state agencies like DPS and federal like CIA/FBI
Amygdala is the part of the brain. It is a very important part of the brain that is integrated with emotions, behavior, and motivation. It is an almond-shaped structure that lies in the brain. In a person, there are normally two amygdala presented. It has been considered that it is the part of the limb system that is responsible for the instincts and memory. It is responsible for the perception of anger, anxiety emotions, sadness, and control of aggression.
Thus in the above context amygdala is the part of the brain that involves emotions such as aggression, anxiety, and high order thinking.
7-10 mg of iron per day, fish and eggs
Iron is a <u><em>mineral</em></u> in our body that carries oxygen in red blood cells all over our bodies. This process creates energy for us to exert as movement. The lack of enough Iron can cause you to be tired, weak, and have a hard time staying focused/awake.
That is why it is recommended that most children get about 7-10 mg of iron per day. Many Iron-Rich foods such as fish and eggs contain this amount.
I hope this answered your question. If you have any more questions feel free to ask away at Brainly.