The technologies were only used to observe enemies but as their effectiveness became apparent, both sides started to dismantle what they were using. For example, they shot down the planes that they would see causing more death.
When it came to the Congress to approve the joining of the United States in the League of Nations it was blocked by the Republican opposition, especially from Senators William Borah and Henry Cabot (D).
The U. S. public opinion was still disappointed over the outcomes of the war. Also, the Republican Senators did not like what they thought to be a violation of the U.S. sovereignity: the covenant of the League in it's Article X predicted that in case of a member being attacked all the others should defend it.
This added to the historical isolationism of U.S. diplomacy stopped the country from joining the League of Nations despite its inspiration on President Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points.
Because he was exiled by his country and anyone was a liberty to take his life if he returned. Anyone who was caught helping him was going to face consequences.
Diaspora is when a specific group or population is scattered across the world in a place that is not their origin. The Jewish Diaspora (or exile) started in 515 BCE when the Assyrians forcibly exiled the Ten Israelite tribes out of their homeland. Later in history, both Jewish temples would also be destroyed.
Both dates occurred after two world wars, the 1920s preceded the World War 1 while the 1950s preceded World War 2.
The mass media similarity between these two is that it focused more on entertainment and advertisements. Because the war ceased already, films and entertainment shows flourished greatly.