Answer:In an indemnity claim for material and moral damages, the claim was partially upheld to order the defendant to pay the claimed material damages, and there was no mention of the moral damages requested by the plaintiff Eleutério. As a lawyer of, having expressly requested in the court order the conviction of the defendant to pay compensation for moral damages, uphold the appropriate measure before the omission of the court
Burrhus Frederic Skinner was an American psychologist who belonged to the behaviorist school of thought. Behaviorists believe that languages are learned through reinforcement and imitation. Children imitate the language and the way people around them speak and receive reinforcement when they correctly say a word. According to behaviorist theories, this leads to the memorization of new words.
The nativist theories claim the opposite. According to nativists, such as Noam Chomsky, who developed the concept of the language acquisition device (LAD), children have an inherent predisposition for language acquisition. LAD is an explanation of how children learn languages so fast and with such ease, especially compared to adults. Nativists do not believe that language is learned because of reinforcement.
Certainly, by the time he wrote the <span>Confessions,</span><span> Augustine had read some Plotinus and become much influenced by his style and arguments.</span>
This is evident in the Confessions, both in the persistent series of questions with which Augustine pursues a difficult problem (as in Confessions 1.3.3-4.4), and in occasional flashes of exhortation (as at <span>Confessions </span>1.18.28). Neo-Platonism influenced in Augustine his entire concept of God and of Creation. In the Neo-Platonist view, all things (including souls) had an infinite, timeless, and unchangeable God as the cause of their existence. Neo-Platonists held that everything existed only to the extent to which it participated in God. Plotinus taught that a person must turn inward to find God, who is identical with the inner reality of the soul.
Do we not have the original sentence? How should we finish the second sentence?