the bars are for notes for your project Sorry if this info is not what you needed and sorry i couldn't help sooner
so i think you get the idea dia 1 =day 1 dia 2=day 2 ect
El colonialismo es el sistema social y económico por el cual un Estado extranjero domina y explota una colonia. Por lo general se utiliza la fuerza militar ante la que el país invadido no puede oponerse y el colonizador, invasor o conquistador impone el control militar, político, económico y social, normalmente mediante la designación de personas originarias del país conquistador.
During the 1800s there were several documented accounts of the use of Bomba as a rebellion tool against the slave owners, and organizational methods for initiating slave rebellions. This particular style of music originated in Mayagüez, Puerto Rico amongst the slaves who worked the sugar cane fields.