well athlete parents maybe or parents that used to ski, im not sure since learning how to ski and getting good at is isnt really part of genetics
Burning of woods has a negative impact on the climate.
Burning of woods for heating has a negative impact on our climate because it releases carbondioxide gas which is a greenhouse gas that trapped the reflected solar radiation and leads to global warming. We have to used alternative methods for heating such as electric heater instead of burning of wood which produce no pollution and can fulfill the requirement of heating so from the above discussion we can say that the activity has a negative impact on the environment.
Answer: when you put the pollen under a microscope you can see that the pollen isn’t just yellow and looks like dots but that that each one has a different shape and size
Meiosis is a type of cell division that occurs in gametic cells. In this cell division, one cell is divided into four cells and the chromosome number is reduced to half therefore it is also called reduction division.
During meiosis crossing over occurs between homologous chromosomes that allow the exchange of genetic material between them that results in the formation of genetically unique daughter cells.
In spermatogenesis during the first meiosis division, the homologous chromosomes get separated into two daughter cells reducing the chromosome number by half and during second meiotic division sister chromatids separate into two more cells. Therefore four genetically different cells are generated.
1s2 2s2 2p4
1s2 2s2 2p4 es la configuración electrónica de la molécula de agua. En el agua, hay 10 electrones, dos de hidrógeno y ocho de oxígeno. La subcapa 2s contiene un máximo de 2 electrones, mientras que la capa 2p puede acomodar seis electrones. El átomo de hidrógeno pertenece al primer grupo y el átomo de oxígeno pertenece al sexto grupo de la tabla periódica. En la estructura de Lewis, un átomo de oxígeno está unido a dos átomos de hidrógeno en un ángulo de 104,45 grados. Existe un enlace covalente presente entre el hidrógeno y el átomo de oxígeno en el que ambos se vuelven estables. El oxígeno necesita dos electrones, por lo que forma enlaces con dos átomos de hidrógeno que tienen un electrón cada uno.