Answer: Bangladesh, Myanmar, Vietnam, and Thailand.
The speed of light in a vacuum is 186,282 miles per second (299,792 kilometers per second), and in theory nothing can travel faster than light.
It is important in determining whether injuries/death was an accident or purposeful, and if purposeful, who, how and why did someone do it. They determine the weapon through the ligature marks left, the shape, force and impact of the injury, the location of the injury, and by analysing any fragments and trace evidence left on the wound
Answer:A bat has a much more flexible wing structure. It is very much like a human arm and hand, except it has a thin membrane of skin (called the patagium) extending between the "hand" and the body, and between each finger bone. Bats can move the wing like a hand, essentially "swimming" through the air.
Fitness measures the probability of survival and reproduction of a particular phenotype or genotype in a population.
Relative fitness measures how fit one genotype or phenotype is with respect to the most fit genotype or phenotype in a popualtion. It is calculated as = survival rate of that group / maximum survival rate observed in that population
Total number of yellow birds = 263
Yellows birds that survived = 150
Survival rate of yellow birds = 150/263 = 0.57
Total number of grey birds = 413
Grey birds that survived = 303
Survival rate of grey birds = 303/413 = 0.73
Grey birds have more survival rate than yellow birds so their survival rate is maximum in the population.
Fitness of yellow phenotype relative to grey phenotype = survival rate of yellow birds / survival rate of grey birds
= 0.57 / 0.73
= 0.78
Hence, fitness of the yellow phenotype relative to the grey one is 0.78.