The American war for independence was a clear result of the Intolerable acts.
The intolerable acts were meant as a form of punishment for the Boston tea party and many other protests held in the colonies. This made the colonists even angrier and the war for independence began that the colonists eventually won and kicked the British armies out.
The answer is detailed in the explanation;
Dear Sir, Jhon Locke;
With my sincere words I do not intend to change his ideals of reform but I do intend to be heard on the basis of the experience of the human being and what characterizes him, it is well known that the man without law is an irrational being incapable of restraining his impulses and actions Likewise, ambition, greed for power causes divisions and doubts to be sown and the fracture of power occurs, that is why an absolute monarchy where absolute power and responsibility falls on only that supreme being already chosen of impartial way to impartially govern all kinds of people without any preference to either side, for me it is and surely being the ideal form of government.
<em><u>Respected Sir; Thomas hobbe
Considering his arguments, I find a heartfelt contradiction; if the power corrupts the human being who by natural tendency is given to ambition and greed; How can absolute power and responsibility be left to govern and educate an entire people in the hands of one man?
Really, in an absolute monarchy there is no freedom, there is no democracy, we need to work as a team to help each other to balance power, although it is true that two heads think more than one, being in a position of responsibility and knowing that we have that answering for our acts before the laws or branches of power causes us to be more cautious when making decisions that could affect our nation, our actions have consequences and a bad control of absolute power undoubtedly brings total chaos.
um true and false the americans fought for indapendinc because they wanted there taxes to be represented in parlament and they did fight for slavery to free blacks it was inscribed on the declination of Independence but was removed for fear of the south wouldn't vote for it in but every were it was legal until the north freed them and no longer allowed blacks to be slaves
It was the Civil rights Act of 1866 that was passed by Congress to protect the voting rights of blacks in the South, although it wasn’t very effective, because it couldn't be enforced.
The French Revolution ( 1789 ) precipitated the events that led to the abolition of the slavery. In 1793, a proclamation granted slaves freedom in France. In 1803 Haiti gained its independence from France and ended slavery. The Haitian Revolution gained its inspiration from the French Revolution.
A. Both ended slavery in their territories.