A class is called an object factory because objects are created from a class. An object is an instance of a class.
The solution code is written in Python 3:
- import keyword
- def checkValidVariable(string):
- if(not keyword.iskeyword(string)):
- return True
- else:
- return False
- print(checkValidVariable("ABC"))
- print(checkValidVariable("assert"))
Firstly, we need to import keyword module so that we can use its iskeyword method to check if a string is registered as Python keyword (Line 1).
Next, we create a function checkValidVariable that takes one input string (Line 3). Within the function body, we use iskeyword method to check if the input string is keyword. Please note the "not" operator is used here. So, if iskeyword return True, the True value will be turned to False by the "not" operator or vice versa (Line 4-5).
We test the function by passing two input string (Line 9-10) and we shall get the sample output as follows:
The ribbon is a set of toolbars at the top of the window in Office programs designed to help you quickly find the commands that you need to complete a task. Sometimes the ribbon can get hidden and it's hard to find. The quickest way to show the ribbon is to click on any visible tab, like Home<span>, </span>Insert<span> or </span>Design<span>. You might also want to hide the ribbon to maximize screen space.</span>
I don't see any error on your code, everything is well written and simple. Except trying putting PUBLIC on your Class displayer. If you encounter the same problem again try to rebuild your whole code and try to recompile the whole code. Even try restarting your personal computer.
AutoNumber it can do it all alone and put the number(If you don’t know the number to put).