The email specifying who in your company you need to talk to first and what evidence must be turned over to the police is written below.
The manager,
Robotics Plc.
Dear sir,
<h3>Issue of internal policy violation</h3>
I wish to bring to your notice an issue of concern that has occurred in the company. All employees are mandated to work for the growth of the company and when things or due protocol are not being followed, it can bring an organization down.
I wish to bring to your notice an issue of internal policy violation that was done by Mr. Yusuf Thomas on December 2021 that has cost the company to loss about 2million dollars. He used the companies money and also took some of the companies client for himself.
He is still working and no sanction or steps have been taken to reprimand him. I wish that the issue be solved so that others will not follow the same steps.
Thanks and waiting for quick response.
Mary Gina.
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