<h2>be completely powerful</h2>
<u>Further details:</u>
Thomas Hobbes published a famous work called <em>Leviathan</em> in 1651. The title "Leviathan" comes from a biblical word for a great and mighty beast. Hobbes believed government is formed by people for the sake of their personal security and stability in society. In Hobbes' view, once the people put a king (or other leader in power), then that leader needs to have supreme power (like a great and mighty beast). Hobbes' view of the natural state of human beings without a government held that people are too divided and too volatile as individuals -- everyone looking out for his own interests. So for security and stability, authority and the power of the law needs to be in the hands of a powerful ruler like a king or queen. And so people willingly enter a "social contract" in which they live under a government that provides stability and security for society.
Probably the most famous set of lines from Hobbes' <em>Leviathan</em> book describes what he saw as the natural state of human affairs without government -- one in which every individual had freedom, but that meant it was a situation of "war of all against all," or we might say, every man for himself. Hobbes wrote:
- <em>In such condition, there is no place for industry; because the fruit thereof is uncertain: and consequently no culture of the earth; no navigation, nor use of the commodities that may be imported by sea; no commodious building; no instruments of moving, and removing, such things as require much force; no knowledge of the face of the earth; no account of time; no arts; no letters; no society; and which is worst of all, continual fear, and danger of violent death; and the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.</em>
<span>It makes sense that the term “Black Friday” might refer to the single day of the year when retail companies finally go “into the black” (i.e. make a profit). The day after Thanksgiving is, of course, when crowds of turkey-stuffed shoppers descend on stores all over the country to take advantage of the season’s biggest holiday bargains. But the real story behind Black Friday is a bit more complicated—and darker—than that.</span>
<span>The main strength of Williams’s analogy was that he made his view of the extent and limits of liberty very clear; </span>He calls for justice, peace and sobriety. On the other hand, his analogy has a weakness in the tone used; the tone of analogy could be overly direct, "<span>You are not to question authority</span><span>".</span>
The Merrimack entered into battle against the wooden Union ships at Hampton Roads. The Union cannons fired shot after shot at the Merrimack with no success. The cannonballs bounced right off. The Merrimack then took aim at the Union ship the USS Cumberland. It smashed its iron ram right into the side of the ship. The Cumberland sunk. Then the Merrimack went after the USS Minnesota, damaging the ship and forcing it to ground. After hours of fighting, the Merrimack returned to Norfolk for the night.