Humans are emotional beings
Like decorations wise or?
√1.45 = 1.2041594578792
Step 1:
Divide the number (1.45) by 2 to get the first guess for the square root .
Step 2:
Divide 1.45 by the previous result. d = 1.45/0.725 = 2.
Average this value (d) with that of step 1: (2 + 0.725)/2 = 1.3625
previous value = 0.725 - 1.3625 = 0.6375.
0.6375 > 0.001
Now we repeat the step
Step 3:
Divide 1.45 by the previous result. d = 1.45/1.3625 = 1.0642201835.
Average this value (d) with that of step 2: (1.0642201835 + 1.3625)/2 = 1.2133600918
Error = new guess - previous value = 1.3625 - 1.2133600918 = 0.1491399082.
0.1491399082 > 0.001.
Step 4:
Divide 1.45 by the previous result. d = 1.45/1.2133600918 = 1.1950285903.
Average this value (d) with that of step 3: (1.1950285903 + 1.2133600918)/2 = 1.2041943411 (new guess).
Error = new guess - previous value = 1.2133600918 - 1.2041943411 = 0.0091657507.
0.0091657507 > 0.001.
Step 5:
Divide 1.45 by the previous result. d = 1.45/1.2041943411 = 1.2041245757.
Average this value (d) with that of step 4: (1.2041245757 + 1.2041943411)/2 = 1.2041594584
- previous value = 1.2041943411 - 1.2041594584 = 0.0000348827.
0.0000348827 <= 0.001. accuracy, we stop the iterations and use 1.2041594584 as the square root.
the process of translating words or text from one language into another.
the action of rotating around an axis or center.
( I'm sorry if these are not correct things you wanted)