Medieval poetry, medieval drama, medieval allegory, medieval mysticism, medieval travel literature are some forms of medieval literature. The writers employed these forms to expand the boundaries of literature disciplines.
- The discipline of literature can be referred to as the most ancient of all knowledge disciplines.
- It is because the art of literature existed, humans could grow through understanding.
- The medieval literature was rich in content and spoke mostly about contemporary ideals, values, lifestyles, thoughts, etc.
#1 is CO2 exchange. CO2 is diffusing from the blood into the alveoli for expiration.
#2 is O2 exchange. O2 is diffusing from the alveoli into the blood to be carried to the tissues.
Carbon has four available binding sites and depending on how one atom binds to other atoms, it can form different structures. If you look up the structure of diamond and graphite, you’ll see that they are all made out of carbon but they are arranged differently.
Answer: C polluted water and soil can cause many deseases and side effect towards humans