aww, im sure they miss you too !
Lyndon B. Johnson took office after Kennedy was assassinated.
Transistor computers were built. The first mobile phones were built. Computers using vacuum tubes were invented. Computers with integrated circuits were invented. The World Wide Web was created.
1. United States ships were getting sunk by German U-Boat warfare
2. Inability to remain neutral
3. Zimmerman Telegram of 1917
4. U.S. economic and political ties to Great Britain
Women, for example, during the WWII did a lot of manufacturing jobs in the US because there was a shortage of men because they were fightng in the war so to keep production going women had to take up the slack in other words it was an opportunity for them. Also, women fought for and gained the right to vote which gave them say in who the government was and also began to run for office in some cases. Women also began to study subjects which had been men's domain before-like engineering, geology etc.