The major result of the Great depression was economic crisis.
The Great Depression of 1929 was a time the stock market collapsed in the United States, and this was immediately preceding World War I. It led to a huge decline in the country's economy. The Great Depression did not only affect the country's economy but also politics as capitalism declined.
As a result of the Great Depression, unemployment increased, the banks in the states could not lend out money, and neither could they get profit in return, people could no longer afford to pay for housing which rendered many homeless, etc. However, efforts were made under the administration of Herbert Hoover, which failed.
With the era of Franklin D. Roosevelt, a program was created named the "New Deal" which helped cure the economic crisis.
The symbolism used in Audrey Flack's Marilyn Monroe is called as Vanitas.
Vanitas can be demonstrated as a symbolic art work which shows the temporariness of life, certainty of the death, the purposelessness of delight, frequently differentiating images of riches and images of ephemerality and demise.
The art of Vanitas includes different symbols like skull, jewels,books of knowledge, etc.
Rub lavender oil and peppermint oil on your temples.
European Immigrants were instead given their own land in land lotteries I believe. Sorry 4 small answer i need to troll :9
SPECT Single-photon emission computed tomography
SPECT is a technique that is used for tomography of the brain to know how the tissue and blood working in the brain. It shows the activity in the brain. This technique helps in diagnoses brain stroke, head injury, ischemia attack, blockage and mental illness like schizophrenia, Alzheimer's, etc.
It is an unclear imaging technique that merges with computed tomography and finds out the problem through a combination of SPECT. Before doing SPECT, an injection is injected into the blood stream. This technique is used to know the blood is flowing in arteries and veins.