Both parents have Bb Bb
B b
b Bb bb
The child got little b, little b
Depednign on what the cell is trying to transport there could be a variety of ways for the cell to transfer materials.
If the item is small and np then it can go through the lipid bilayer.
Simple diffusion and facilitated diffusion are passive transport meaning the cell does not need energy to transfer the membrane
and active diffision means they need to spend energy.
you need transmembrane protiens to move things inside the cell
Minhas desculpas, eu não falo português. Espero que você encontre alguém que faça !! Obrigado pelos pontos. :)
The endoplasmic Reticulum is like an assembly line: The workers on the assembly line do their work, as the products move through the assembly line. Similar to the workers are the ribosomes on the reticulum, as they also do their work in a line. In the reticulum, like in a factory line, the proteins are produced, and like in the case of the facotry line, they are later sent to the other place in the factory or cell.
The evolution of the two species are very closely related but not identical