What work sheet? I'm great in Biology!
Animals such as bees or wind can carry pollen from one flower to another flower and fertilize the plant that way. Plants can also self-pollinate which happens when a plant’s own pollen fertilizes its own ovules.
Cytokinesis is a phase in which two daughter cells are separated from one another.
Cytokinesis is a phase in which cytoplasm of the cell is divided into two equal parts after the cell division i. e. mitosis or meiosis. Cytoplasm is a main part of the cell which contains different organelles of the cell such as mitochondria, ribosome, endoplasmic reticulum, golgi bodies, lysosomes and vacuole etc. It also contains nutrients, enzymes and water in large amount.
Let’s think about this, we can already cross out D because that is the small intestine’s function, that isn’t a picture of the small intestine.
We can also cross out A for the answers because the gallbladder is the organ that creates bile and that once again isn’t the picture of that organ.
That leaves C and B.
The stomach produces pepsin and makes hydrochloric acid, this isn’t a picture of the stomach, so that leaves you with C.
The answer to your question is C, since this is a picture of the pancreas, and the pancreas’ job is to produce enzymes that breaks down carbohydrates.
Goiters are often produced in the Thyroid. Goiters is an enlarged thyroid gland. Goiters are believed to be painless, but Goiters make it difficult for the victim to breathe and swallow food. Goiters are caused by lack of iodine in one's diet. Treatment of Goiters depends on its size, some Goiters go away without any treatment while some goiters are treated through surgery.