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Adams signed the controversial Alien and Sedition Acts and built up the Army and Navy in the undeclared Quasi-War with France. During his term, he became the first president to reside in the executive mansion now known as the White House
He was a diff. color citizen and he made a speech after rosa parks (diff color) decided to refuse to give up her seat after a long day at work. So he made a " I have a dream" speech and later on he got assassinated in his house.
The decisions they make later apply to every similar situation everywhere in the country. For example, there was a case in which students wanted to wear armbands protesting the war, but the school said that was disruptive. The Supreme Court sided with the student, and said they had a right to free speech as long as it wasn’t causing a material interruption. This case would later be the example on how to solve many cases regarding student’s freedom of speech.