The major difference between Deng Xiaoping and Mao Zedong can be simply put that Deng Xiaoping was much more practical and realistic.
Deng Xiaoping was not extreme as Mao Zedong, and unlike Mao who closed the country to the world and implemented non-realistic terrible economic policies, Deng reformed the economy of China and opened it up to the world.
Deng started with the Four Modernizations, which included the agriculture, industry, technology, and science development. He opened up the country gradually to the world, and gave his best to modernize the country, catch the pace of the developed countries, and make China a strong nation. All of his policies were perfected to detail, they were realistic, practical, and very efficient, resulting in great prosperity and development in China very rapidly, making China the biggest producer of goods in the world, as well as one of the strongest nations in every aspect in the world. No wonder that he is often referred to as the ''Greatest economist in the human history''.
True monks and nuns in Christian Europe spend their time praying and studying
Mechanized Warfare is the one that allowed for the safe transport of American troops to Europe. Merchanized Warfare ii also known as Armoured warfare or tank warfare which is the use of armoured fighting vehicles in mordern warfare. It is used to transport safely the troops of America to Europe.
answer is C
the dismantling of all U.S. bases within 60 days. In return, the North Vietnamese agreed to release all U.S. and other prisoners of war.
According to the bible, it took 6 days for GOD to create the earth, and on the seventh day, he rested.
hope this helps